Vitamins are essential for the human body as they serve as catalysts.

       Almost all vitamins are in nature, in the vegetable kingdom but also in the animal. Food should contain all the necessary vitamins for the body because their absence adversely affects skin and hair quality.
       Here are the vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of skin and entire body:

    1.Vitamins soluble in water (hydrosoluble):

   B1 (thiamin), is an antioxidant that promote intestinal absorption, helping your body to absorb energy needs from food. It is used in case of skin burns, digestive diseases, dermatosis. We find it in milk, cereals, meat, dried fruit and vegetables, yeast etc.

   B2 (riboflavin) helps the assimilation, determining the good functioning of cellular metabolism. It is beneficial for the quality of hair, nails and eyes health. It also helps in treating acne, rosacea and cellulite. It is found in milk, cheese, meat, liver, eggs, yeast etc.

   B3 (niacin, vitamin PP) is beneficial for the body's general metabolism. It helps the functioning of central nervous system, maintains skin's moisture level, helps to cure acne, herpes, frostbite etc. It is found in cereals, vegetables, meat, oily fish etc.

   B5 (pantothenic acid) helps the body to eliminate toxins from drugs, the assimilation of nutrients from food and the functioning of the nervous system. It stimulates the growth and the strength of nails and hair, maintains the skin moisture, slows aging and helps the wounds healing. It is found in black flour, wheat germ, rice, raw egg, milk, vegetables, fruits, honey, nuts, yeast etc.

   Vitamin B3 and B5 help the skin moisturize, because they retain water in skin tissue.

   B6 (pyridoxine, adermine) helps the good functioning of the nervous system, the red blood cell formation and metabolism of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. This vitamin helps the growth process and it is very important for the immune system and antibodies formation. Its effect on the skin is extremely beneficial. It is indicated for the treatment of acne (with vitamins B2 and B3), seborrheic dermatitis and eczema.

   Vitamin B6 deficiency causes hair loss, grizzled and functional disorders of the skin. Smoking, contraceptives and antibiotics slow the absorption process of vitamin B6 in which case need to be consumed supplements of this vitamin. We find it in meat, liver, black bread, bananas, potatoes, rice, pulses.

   B12 (cyanocobalamin) helps the good functioning of the nervous system and the red blood cell formation thus eliminating fatigue and anemia. This vitamin participates in cell restoration, in the synthesis of iron and vitamin C. We find it in meat, oily fish, kidney, liver, eggs, milk, sea food.

   C (ascorbic acid) as a strong antioxidant strengthens the immune system destroying toxins. It protects teeth, gums and connective tissues and capillaries. Also, vitamin C stimulates the skin collagen production, favors wounds healing, helps treating of acne, cellulite, eczema, psoriasis. Due to the fact that it oxidizes easily, conservation destroys it, making it to be not active in cosmetics. It is recommended that foods containing vitamin C to be steam cooked and eaten immediately. We find it in most fruits and vegetables, the largest amount being in the paprika, rosehip, kiwi, oranges, lemons etc.

   H (biotin, vitamin B8) helps the body to take its necessary energy from food and stimulates the skin functioning, acting against seborrhea, acne, grizzled, hair loss etc. We found it in liver, oily fish, egg yolk, milk, spinach, tomatoes etc.

   2. Vitamins soluble in fat (liposoluble):

A (retinol, retinoic acid), maintains health and skin elasticity and delay the occurrence of wrinkles. It also has a beneficial role for eye health and strengthens the immune system. Cosmetic creams containing vitamin A are used to treat acne. It is found in liver, egg yolk, milk and dairy products, fatty fish, spinach, carrots, peppers, dehydrated apricots and prunes, wheat and corn flour etc.

   Provitamin A (beta-carotene) also maintains healthy skin and has significant anticancer properties. It specifically found in spinach, carrots and cabbage.

   D (anti-rachitic vitamin) helps the formation of bones system strengthening it.
Vitamin D contributes to the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus in the body, fixing them into the bones and teeth.
   Provitamin D2 helps to treat acne and eczema. Ultraviolet rays favors the formation of this vitamin in the body. We find it in products of animal origin: fatty fish, eggs, milk, soy, yogurt, cereals and vegetable oil.

   E (tocopherol) can be called the health vitamin as it is a powerful antioxidant that fights with heart diseases and cancer. Vitamin E controls the elimination of water from the body, improves blood circulation, helps to regeneration of skin and is beneficial for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema etc. It enhances activity of vitamin A. The high temperature destroys vitamin E. The cosmetic creams containing Vitamin E are also used in treating stretch marks. It is found in vegetables, cold pressed oil, corn and wheat germ, fatty fish, avocado etc.

   F (unsaturated fatty acids)
has a very important role in skin metabolism helping it to regenerate. Lack of vitamin F leads to dry the skin, occurrence of eczema, dandruff formation and hair loss. Unsaturated fatty acids are essential, easy-oxidants and active only in the presence of vitamins E and B6.
   Vitamin F is found in cold pressed oils (sunflower, soybean, corn and olives), nuts, raw pumpkin seeds, sea buckthorn.

   K (Antihemorrhagic vitamin) has an important role in stopping the bleeding and for alleviating of dark circles.
It is recommended to combat rashes, frostbite and against the weakening of capillaries. The freezing process destroys the vitamin K but it is resistant to heat. It is found both in animal products (K2) and in the vegetable products (K1): pork liver, egg yolk, dairy products, fatty fish, cabbage, sea buckthorn, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, corn, lettuce, strawberries, rosehip etc.

   For the health of our body, tissues and nervous system and we also need minerals that we find in natural and fresh foods. To cover any food deficiencies it can be given food supplements. They must be made from natural products: wheat germ, bran, bee propolis, royal jelly, seaweed, ginseng, yeast etc.

   Trace elements 

    They must also be included in our diet. Trace elements must also be included in our diets. They are essential for body health as favor intercellular exchanges helping assimilation of vitamins and mineral salts (act as catalysts). The most important are: selenium, iron, magnesium, copper, iodine daily. But our body needs all the trace elements of food.

   Do not take supplements without medical advice, especially if you have some health problems.

   We may talk about Hyaluronic Acid (HA), an organic protein with antioxidant nature that has strong anti aging effects and moisturizing properties maintaining skin beautiful, young, supple and smooth. It is found as dietary supplements, injectable products and in some cosmetics.

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