Who among us does not want a beautiful skin, maintained for a long time!? Sometimes we panic when looking in the mirror, we see signs of the passage of time: a dull complexion, dry skin and wrinkled, parentheses around the mouth, necklace of Venus, crow feet etc. What can we do to delay this process?
The aging process takes place gradually over several years and is influenced by many different factors. Although skin aging is bound by time, however, it can be accelerated and aggravated by the action of external factors such as sun, smoking, environment, health and general lifestyle and internal factors such as heredity.
The biggest impact on the aging of the skin it is the sun and its ultraviolet rays. Approximately 80-85% of the causes that lead to premature aging belong to sunlight. As we age, elastin and collagen fibers begin to weaken.This weight loss occurs much more frequently as the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays without proper protection.
UVA rays, also called the aging rays are at a rate of 90-95% of ultraviolet rays that reach Earth's surface. These rays weaken the collagen and elastin fibers, causing wrinkles and weakening of tissue. Also, UVA rays increase the effects of UVB rays.
UVB rays, called the burning rays, cause skin tanning by affecting of melanocytes, the skin cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment of skin. Melanin is to protect the skin against UV radiation but melanocytes can be altered when large and frequent amounts of ultraviolet light penetrate the skin. Although UVB rays do not penetrate as much as UVA, they are as harmful to skin and eyes. As a benefit, however, these rays contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D and other essential minerals.
We can’t deny the benefits of the sun but when we expose to sunlight must protect our skin especially in the early days, both face and body, with so-called sunscreen that filters ultraviolet rays.
It is imperative that you take some precautions:
- Use a moisturizer or sun protection with a filter with at least SPF 15 on all sun-exposed skin;
- Avoid sun exposure during peak hours, when UV rays are maximal (between 10a.m - 3p.m).
- Do not be stingy with the amount of protective lotion. Apply it abundantly after you swam or after you made other activity where you sweated. Apply sunscreen regularly throughout the day in which you expose to the sun.
- Use lotions with strong UVA and UVB filter.
- Read carefully the expiry date of sunscreen.
- Do not expose to sunlight very young children (aged less than 6 months).
- If your skin is white and burn very easily, you need always to wear a hat and protective clothing when you practice outdoor activities.
The degree of tanning depends on skin characteristics:
1. Easy tanning:
- at first skin becomes red then tans easily
- melanocytes are activated. Exposure to sunlight increases the rate of production of melanin.
For this type of skin the risk of burning is just at the first exposure to the sun. If you are in this category does not stay on the beach to get all sun in the first day. Make repeated tanning sessions and increase exponentially the exposure time. Use regularly a cream with solar filter. Apply always after-sun creams.
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Photo by m00by |
2. Fast tanning:
- skin tans rapidly because it has more melanin. This type of skin burns rarely.
This type of skin has a low risk of burning at the first solar exposure. First, must be taken small precautions. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and apply regularly suitable protective creams. Do not forget to apply after-sun creams.
3. Slow tanning:
- skin produces a very little amount of melanin. Melanocytes, responsible for this, need UVB rays to promote tanning. This type of skin becomes red but finally tans easily. You should not rush to tan as skin burning slows your aim to have a nice and healthy tan. If you have freckles they will turn into unsightly brown spots. To avoid this risk, increase gradually the sun exposure time and avoid hours when the sun rays are very strong. Sunscreen creams are required. Apply them periodically and regularly. After sunbathing, soothe your skin with moisturizers.
4. No tanning:
- skin is very white and pale because it does not contain sufficient amount of active melanocytes to promote tanning. Sometimes, melanin is distributed in the form of freckles and skin burns easily between them. Do not insist to tan because you'll succeed only abused your skin. Protect your skin body with casual clothes from natural fibers and brimmed hats. Stay away from the harmful rays of the sun and enjoy the health of your skin.
Nicotine decreases the intake of oxygen which is essential for tissue because it leads to narrowing
of the vessels that carry blood under the skin. Cells, being poorly
oxygenated, not renewed like normal resulting in skin without glow,
dehydrated and with a gray tint due to poor blood irrigation and the
filing of smoke. Also, tar yellow teeth and fingers.
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Photo by TRF_Mr_Hyde |
Because smoking the amount of collagen and elastin is affected leading to premature so unsightly wrinkles.
Other effects of tobacco on the skin: couperose, facial hair growth,
sebaceous and sweat glands atrophy, sclerosis of blood vessels, reducing
the power to skin defend against external agents. Because cigarettes
smoke appear red spots on whites of eyes.
Repeated mimics and contraction of facial muscles lead to crow feet at the eyes area and wrinkles around the lips.
Lung capacity is reduced by half and the bronchi become dirty.
Also, smoking is responsible for the removal of vitamins, especially
vitamin C which helps collagen fibers to maintain the beauty and the
quality of our skin.
Alcohol abuse (more than 1-2 glasses of wine or beer a day or a small glass of stronger alcoholic drink) has a diuretic effect, changing the balance of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc. Vitamins B and C is eliminated, increase the amount of sugar and of fat in blood, the digestive tract, kidneys and liver are overloading leading to the occurrence of liver cirrhosis.
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Photo by Charlie Brewer |
Some people who drink alcohol are experiencing insomnia and depression.
Alcohol dilates capillaries and makes them visible, leading to couperose.
Excessive consumption of alcohol dehydrates the skin as it extracts water from tissues.
Together, tobacco and alcohol have devastating effects on the skin. Blood vessels and capillaries expand and contract continuously tissues are repeatedly deprived of water and oxygen which results in a dark and lifeless skin. Besides, these two toxic elements almost certainly lead to cancers.
What would be the reason to want making ugly your skin and to wish shorting your own life??
With the cares how we nurture we can postpone and mitigate the undesirable phenomenon of aging. "ALL IS TOO MUCH IS NOT GOOD", could be the motto of a healthy life.
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© Lecajun | Dreamstime Stock Photos |
- fats that provide energy to the body;
- proteins, because they are the raw material of body cells;
- carbohydrates, the main source of energy, ensure the proper functioning of digestive tract.
However, excessive consumption of these elements can harms metabolism because: proteins can make excess fat and carbohydrates can provide excess sugar which results in a surplus of calories that can lead to overweight. Also, vitamins and minerals needed in the processes of assimilation and cellular exchanges are missing.
How many times have you heard: "Avoid excessive intake of salt, sugar and fat."What does that mean? Let us take them in turn:
Salt. Excess sodium (harmful element from salt) leads to high blood pressure, water retention and kidney overload. Mineral waters contain sodium in a higher percentage.
Sugar. Excess glucose can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, vitamin B deficiency, dental caries. Honey, so rich in vitamins B and C, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., can successfully replace sugar.
Fats. Excess fat consumption reduces the amount of oxygen essential for cells and affects metabolism of carbohydrates. It is better to reduce consumption of animal fats in favor of vegetable rich in vitamin F that is so necessary for epidermis.
In conclusion, we must eat of all, little by little (at regulate hours if possible) avoiding abuse and hunger that leads to food deficiencies with disastrous effects. For example, the lack of iron in the body cause anemia and the hair loss and the lack of fatty food acids lead to the appearance of wrinkles due to skin dryness. Also, the vitamins and oligoelements deficiency results in a withered skin and brittle nails. Usually, draconian slimming diets give nervous tension and anxiety that is visible on the skin.
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Photo by Andrew Stawarz |
Substances penetrate the skin through sweat and pilots-sebaceous orifices. Fats penetrate skin more easily, if they are especially fluid.
Ask the expert before applying creams or lotions for skin care. A perfect cosmetic diagnosis for skin reduces the risk of devastating effects.
Avoiding sedentary lifestyle we fortify the entire body and fight certain diseases.
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Photo by colros |
Thus we can combat chronic constipation, we quiet the nervous system, stimulate the heart, the blood vessels, the digestive system and generally the whole body.
Walking, which is accessible to all, is compatible with the body exercises, excellent remedies to prevent aging. Physical exercise stimulates blood flow which results in oxygenating and nourishing the skin. By increasing the body temperature, increase production of collagen and skin becomes less dry. Sebaceous and sweat glands are stimulated, moisturizing skin from the inside. Also, sweating helps the toxins elimination.
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