Hair typology

Proper care of hair must take account of its type.

Here is what you have to do to find out what kind of hair you have: After a day after you have washed your hair, press on the scalp, in the region behind the ear, a thin sheet of paper. If your hair is dry, on the paper will not see any trace of fat. Otherwise, your hair is oily. There are also mixed type of hair, a combination of dry and oily.

         Dry hair is breakable, lacking in vitality due to insufficient amount of sebum that provides flexibility and gloss. Hair shafts peaks are dry and split. On the scalp may appear particles of dry skin (dandruff) and itching.

If you have dry hair, you must wait at least 4 days between hair washes. Use a shampoo suitable for dry hair. Very effective for washing the hair is also the egg yolk. Apply it on the scalp, massage gently with your fingers and then rinse thoroughly. For flexibility and shine add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in the last rinsing water.

Avoid the use of the electric hair dryer. If it is possible, let it dry naturally. Do not rub the hair with towel. After drying, use a soft brush and comb your hair thoroughly, reaching the scalp to stimulate sebaceous glands and to spread sebum along the length of hair.

Castor oil, applied as a mask before washing, is very effective to treat dry hair. Heat the oil slightly and extends along the length of hair. Wrap your hair with a plastic foil, and then cover your head with a towel soaked with hot water. After 1 hour, rinse your hair well as possible then proceed to wash it with shampoo.

Do not expose your hair directly to strong rays of sun. Protect it with lightweight hats that allow the hair ventilation. Eat foods that contain fatty acids (dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts).

        Oily hair has an excess of sebum, become dirty quickly, shines, is lacks of volume becouse the hair shafts stick, and the scalp produces dandruff.

Dandruff, both in dry form (psoriasis) and in the greasy form, can be prevented by hygiene compliance of scalp and consumption of the vitamins B group (vitamin B6 in particular). Untreated dandruff causes hair loss.

Oily hair should be washed twice a week with appropriate products to prevent it fattening. Oily hair better support the hair dyes and the electric dryer.

For a frequent hair washing, use only the purifying shampoos with neutral PH. Avoid too hot water. Shampoo the hair, rinse it and repeat.

Do not abuse by hair masks. Use only the suitable hair mask for oily hair.

Avoid massaging your scalp and brushing strongly to not force the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.

If you have an oily hair, avoid foods containing fats and sugars. Seborrhea can be caused by certain hormonal disorders, stress or irritating cosmetics use. For oily hair treatment you can use the juice of 1 lemon diluted in a glass of water. Apply to hair after washing, leave 1-2 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Eat foods rich in vitamin B2 (green leafy vegetables, fruit, yogurt, eggs, liver, spinach etc.).

        Mixed hair is oily at the root and the peaks of hair shafts are dry eventually split and discolored. Mixed hair is caused by repeated bleaching treatment, by permanent curling and hair dyes. Shampoo for oily hair will be applied only to root and the dry hair serums will be applied only on peaks, without touching the scalp.

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