I don't believe there is any woman who does not possess even a makeup product, whether it is a lipstick, an eye-liner, a face powder or mascara. Beauty products industry, the women's secret weapons, is basically eternal. There is a make-up product that fits every woman. It is important that she knows how to use it properly, in order to highlight the most pleasing features of her face.

       I have heard many women saying that they do not have enough time to makeup. Not even a little bit. I often wonder why some women simply forget that they are part of the "Beautiful Gender", they simply forget what really means to be women. Even prehistoric women emphasized their femininity by painting their bodies and wearing various accessories.

        Being a woman is not just to have responsibilities towards the husband or children but the responsibility for yourself, the respect for your body, your skin and your soul. Respecting yourself means to attract respect and admiration of others.

        To care yourself and to discreetly make-up does not mean vulgarity. You do not need very much makeup to highlight the pleasant features of your face. With a little practice and after several trials you will be able to do a properly makeup and you’ll feel the pleasure of being woman.

       Makeup products come in many kinds, colors, textures and they are made for different purposes: to moisturize, to protect, to correct, to camouflage, to highlight etc. To use them correctly you must know some basic elements such as specific characteristics and the order of their utilization.

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